„Toolmanagement – Werkzeugdaten aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachten“ Das diesjährige Toolmanagementseminar der CIM Aachen GmbH mit dem Titel „Toolmanagement – Werkzeugdaten aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachten“ fand dieses Jahr im PANORAMAHOTEL Waldenburg statt. Am Vortag des alljährlichen Seminars „Toolmanagement in der Praxis“
Chapter 9 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
Beyond platforms – Vendor Managed Product Data #EMO2023 You’ve learned in the previous episodes of „CIMSOURCE Awesome“ that we provide the major building blocks for tool data gathering and distribution. Why not tie these together to build a seamless end-to-end
SalesSupport Server – Vendor Managed Product Data #EMO2023 Clean. Data. Delivered. The benefits of Vendor Managed Inventory* (VMI) are undisputed. Why not impress your customers with the same kind of service for the digital factory? All you need is a
Chapter 7 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
ToolLink | Vendor Managed Product Data #EMO2023 Data. Sourcing. Simplified. What if you need tool data that go beyond what ToolsUnited may provide? You must involve your suppliers into the enrichment process. How about fair data sourcing based on standards?
Visit ToolLink’s New Landingpage!
Visit ToolLink’s New Landingpage! We are excited to share that our Landingpage is live! GO CHECK IT OUT NOW: info.ToolLink.de! You can now book your ToolLink Training right on the page & find several tutorials that guide you through our
ToolsUnited Update August 2023
More than 6.000 new tool data on ToolsUnited! The manufacturers Fraisa, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo uploaded new data on ToolsUnited! Fraisa has uploaded 200 new milling cutters on ToolsUnited. In addition, 3,500 milling cutters have been updated. Go
Chapter 6 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
The first GHz Tag to be directly applied to a tool! | Innovation Takes Time Tagging single tool components to track tool flow on the shop floor is quite a challenger. Data matrix codes are limited because you need a
Chapter 5 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
RFID Technologies The unique identification of cutting tools is a pre-requisite to monitor tool life and tool flow on the shop floor. Data matrix codes are widely used. RFID technologies may be used to improve Toolmanagement operations. For example to
Chapter 4 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
The first cloud-based tool management system „Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?“ Said who back in 2008,
Chapter 3 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!
Artificial Intelligence in the field of cutting tools?! “AI and data science will drive the second wave of digitization. However, 95 percent of the data in the Internet exists as unstructured documents. It is of crucial importance to bring this