Artificial Intelligence in the field of cutting tools?!

“AI and data science will drive the second wave of digitization.

However, 95 percent of the data in the Internet exists as unstructured documents. It is of crucial importance to bring this chaotic flood of information into a form that machines can understand, says Prof. Wahlster, the leading AI expert in Germany. That’s why artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning or information retrieval using algorithms will be the key driver of the second wave.“

CIMSOURCE had the first such application, for cutting tools, back in 2008.


The „Machining Intelligence Network“ project contributed a lot to apply Data Mining and Semantic Search in the Manufacturing Industry. And we learned a lot from our academic partners, namely Prof Seidl, then Professor at RWTH Aachen University and today leading AI expert at the LMU (

Book cover

We still use and improve these technologies to efficiently prepare data. But it still has some flaws. We can’t leave the computer alone (yet!).

AI is an exciting trend, no question. But without cloud computing, we don’t think any business model can gain the necessary data volume to succeed. ToolsUnited is in the cloud since 2001, so stay tuned to learn what else we pioneered.

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Chapter 3 | CIMSOURCE? Awesome!