More than 6.000 new tool data on ToolsUnited!
The manufacturers Fraisa, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo uploaded new data on ToolsUnited!



Fraisa has uploaded 200 new milling cutters on ToolsUnited.
In addition, 3,500 milling cutters have been updated.

Go to Fraisa.



Mitsubishi has made a big update to their milling cutters on ToolsUnited. They have added and updated more than 1,000 inserts to ToolsUnited!

Click to explore Mitsubishi



You are searching for drill tool data? Sumitomo has updated over 700 drills for you!

Go visit Sumitomo!

News from our data team
We now offer you even more flexibility in generating 3D models. Our 3D generator has been updated. From now on, we have more connection code sizes!

ToolsUnited Update August 2023